| SET Index | 1,175.45 -12.45 | | Value(M) | 17.293 | | Volume('000) | 5,152 | Gainers | 103 | | Losers | 366 | | Unchanged | 167 |
Most Active Value | Stock | Value(M) | Last Done | Change | DELTA | 907,190,925 | 69.000 | -3.250 | PTT | 888,350,625 | 32.000 | -0.500 | AOT | 846,450,050 | 38.500 | -1.000 | | Top Gainers | Stock | Volume | Last Done | %Change | EA19C2504B | 500,200 | 0.020 | 100.000 | SET5013C2506T | 25,600 | 0.020 | 100.000 | SET5013P2503F | 35,700 | 0.500 | 85.190 | | |
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