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What is a share ?
What is the reward of stock investing ?
What is the risk of stock investing ?
ÕWhat is the Foreign Board and what are the benefits it offers ?
Why do stock prices on the Foreign Board differ from stock prices on the Main Board ?
What does the "SP" sign mean ?
What does the "XR" sign mean ?
How do I calculate The SET Index ?
ÔWhat is the calculation method of Market Capitalization ?
What is SET50 Index and why was it introduced ?
How do I calculate the SET 50 Index ?

1. What is a share ?

Share is a portion of ownership in a company. A movement of share prices depends on a company's performance as well as market conditions.

2. What is the reward of stock investing ?

There are many types of rewards to be received from securities investing e.g. capital gain, dividend, rights offering etc. Basically the rewards will increase whenever the company does well and its share price goes up. Internal and external factors will contribute to the volatility of share prices as well.

3. What is the risk of stock investing ?

Share prices are unpredictable. Many factors such as the performance of the company, of the whole industry, or even of the overall economic climate may affect the price of shares. Always keep in mind that we can reduce the risks involved by studying the past and the forecast of company performance, considering the securities analysts' opinions, industry trend, as well as follow up different types of information that are disclosed.

4. What is the Foreign Board and what are the benefits it offers ?

The Foreign Board was set up in 1987 to serve as an alternative board for foreign investors who seek ownership of the securities they invest in and to register such shares under their own names. Foreigners can either invest in Set's Main Board and register under nominee names (usually their brokers) or invest in the Foreign Board and register the securities under their own names. Foreigners who register shares under their own names will receive all the benefits offered by the company directly e.g. rights offerings, dividend etc. On the other hand, all such benefits will be processed through the account of their nominee if they choose to invest on the Main Board. Securities traded on the Foreign Board are reserved for foreign ownership according to the foreign ownership limits set forth in the Articles of Association of each listed company. In addition, there are no floor or ceiling limits on the Foreign Board so share prices are more free to respond to the demand and supply situation.

5. Why do stock prices on the Foreign Board differ from stock prices on the Main Board ?

Stock prices on the Foreign Board are different from stock prices on the Main Board because of foreign ownership limits. These limit sometimes cause demand to exceed supply for some securities listed on the Foreign Board.

6. What does the "SP" sign mean ?

The "SP" sign stands for SUSPENSION. SET will post an SP sign to stop trading in a listed stock temporarily for one or more trading sessions for the following reasons:

If a listed company does not comply with Set's regulations on information disclosure, the SP sign will replace the Notice Pending "NP" sign.
If a listed company does not adhere to Set's disclosure regulations, or if its share price changes for unknown reasons and the firm fails to provide an adequate explanation.
If a listed company fails to submit the required financial statements within five business days of the posting of the NP sign.
If a listed company fails to submit the required financial statements promptly on two consecutive occasions and still does not do so on the third occasion trading will be suspended in that stock.
1. If a listed company is waiting to be delisted or to resume operations and does not submit the required rehabilitation plan within the specified period of time.

7. What does the "XR" sign mean ?

This is one of Set's supervisory signs. XR stands for Excluding Rights. It indicates that the buyer of a stock carrying an XR sign will not be entitled to receive any recently offered rights. SET also uses the following supervisory signs: XD (excludes dividend), XI (excludes interest), XM (excludes meetings), and XA (excludes all privileges).

8. How do I calculate The SET Index ?

The SET Index is a market capitalization weighted price index calculated from all common stocks listed on SET (the Main Board only). The basic formula is as follows:

CMV x 100
CMV  =  Current Market Value of all common stocks
BMV  =  Base Market Value of all common stocks

SET has been calculating the SET Index since April 30, 1975 when the Index equaled 100 points.

9. What is the calculation method of Market Capitalization ?

Mi Qi
  i = 1

i =
Each Issue of Securities
n =
Number of Listed Securities
Mi =
Market Price of Each Securities
Qi =
Number of Listed Shares of each Securities

10. What is SET50 Index and why was it introduced ?

The initial idea for introducing SET50 Index is to establish an appropriate underlying index in order to accommodate the issuance of index futures and index options.

This index, calculated from a small number of listed common stock, will be constructed and composed of listed securities that can represent the majority of the total market capitalization and total market turnover of SET. Moreover, this index should be able to move along with the existing SET index. A preliminary study indicates that market capitalization and turnover of the top 50 listed stocks ranked by their market capitalization can represent the majority of the total market since increasing the number of stocks to the top 100 changes the proportion of total market capitalization and total market turnover by a relatively small amount. Therefore, it is proposed that the new index should comprise 50 listed common stocks with high market capitalization and high liquidity and is to be called the "SET 50 Index". The new SET 50 Index should not only be able to move along with the existing SET Index, but also be used as a benchmark to measure the performance of fund managers investing in the Thai stock market.

11. How do I calculate the SET 50 Index?

CMV x 100
CMV  =  Current Market Value of all common stocks
BMV  =  Base Market Value of all common stocks

The SET has been calculating the SET 50 Index since August 16, 1995 when the Index equaled 100 points.


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